The Most Painted Building in the World

Motif No. 1 Rockport Bearskin Neck Massachusetts

If you are a Women's Accessories | Ladies Jewellery, Sunglasses & Bags,Find New Styles! Discounted Bracelet Set!fan, you'll recognize this little red fishing shack from our photoshoot this past Spring. If you're a New Englander, this image is probably part of your identity. It's Motif No. 1 in Rockport, MA. This picturesque scene in the most quintessential Massachusetts fishing town is not just the backdrop to our nautical bracelets, it's the favored subject of numerous artists. In fact, it is the most painted building in the world. Don't believe me? Read more about Motif No. 1 and it's history here

Photo credit to the lovely Caitlin Elizabeth James


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